Posts Tagged ‘Egg Hatching’

From 40 Kuroiler Hens and 4 cocks, we are now able to supply 1500 Kuroiler chicks to one of our clients in Mukono, Uganda

 A few weeks back, a client submitted an order to our Organization for supplying him 1500 one-day old Kuroiler chicks and last week we were able to deliver 500 chicks as you can see in the photo slideshow below and in the video above while brooding. The chicks were hatched from fertilized eggs from our 40 hens and 4 cocks plus 40 hens and 4 cocks from our two staffs. As you can remember, we started with 40 Kuroiler Hens and 4 cocks as per this Link provides for. At the comment, we have hatched over 4000 fertilized eggs into over 4000 Kuroiler chicks. Every week we take fertilized eggs to the hatchery and every week we deliver new one-day old chicks to our clients and to our local Brooding Centre in Kikandwa village. As an Organization (Kikandwa Rural Communities Development Organization – KIRUCODO), we no longer have an office space as almost all the office space was turned into a Brooding space. Some of our clients press orders for one day old, one week old, two weeks old and one month old Kuroiler chicks. Lastly, if you are out there and need to buy good quality Kuroiler chicks, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at any time. Please enjoy the photos below and feel free to join our Facebook Group for timely updates:

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