Mass distribution of Clean Cook Rocket Stoves to over 100 women

2Last Sunday the 15th of April we distributed Two-Bricks Clean Cook Rocket Stoves (2BCCROST) to over 100 women of Bunakijja in Mukono District and Namaliri in Buikwe District. The stoves will help to reduce on the amount of firewood used per day in cooking thus reducing cutting down of trees in communities.

On average, a single family in rural Uganda uses between 20-30 firewood of each 2M long. With the introduction of 2BCCROST, a single family is expected to use a maximum of 5 firewood per day of each 2M long.


Since this kind of stove produces much less smoke, women are going to be saved from illnesses associated with inhering wood burning unhealthy smoke.

Again, this is the Team behind this project

(1) Sun24 of Florida USA as information resource, adviser and financer

(2) Youths In Technology and Development Uganda (YITEDEV) as Coordinating and Technical implementing Team

(3) Kikandwa Rural Communities Development Organization (KIRUCODO) as Coordinating and Technical Implementing Team

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